*See La Puerta Rules and Regs page to see the policies for visiting La Puerta Natural Burial Ground*
What is Natural Burial?
Natural burial is a gentle return to the earth without the use of embalming fluids, vaults or hardwood/metal caskets. Natural fiber shrouds or biodegradable coffins are used as containers for lowering into the grave. The Green Burial Council provides a number of resources about green burial as well as natural burial on their website: https://www.greenburialcouncil.org/
What is required for burial at La Puerta Natural Burial Ground?
We require four things to be purchased for burial at La Puerta Natural Burial Ground:
1) A plot
2) Opening and closing of the grave
3) A biodegradable container
4) Maintenance and Conservation Fee (one time)
*Note that a death certificate must be in process through a funeral home, or fully filed and obtained if done by the family prior to burial.
How do I secure burial arrangements with Natural Burial New Mexico at La Puerta Natural Burial Ground?
To secure burial arrangements for yourself or a recently deceased loved one, please go to our contact page, fill out your contact information, and request an intake form for pre-need or at-need burial arrangements in the comments box. We will email you the appropriate form to start the process of securing burial arrangements.
How quickly does a burial have to happen with a natural burial?
Funeral homes can cold store a body for weeks prior to a natural burial without embalming. New Mexico law requires that either a burial occur, or the body is refrigerated or cooled within 24 hours after death.
Do I have to use a funeral home?
New Mexico is one of 40+ states that legally allows families to be in charge of every step of a loved one’s burial without using a funeral home. The state calls this type of burial, home funeral or home burial. This option requires that the family take on the responsibilities typically done by a funeral director, such as reporting the death by obtaining a death certificate prior to burial, preparing the body and placing it into a shroud or container, planning a service or ceremony, and transportation to the burial site. We have created a document that describes the difference between using a funeral home and doing a home funeral, which can be found on our Natural Burial page. You can also find resources about home funerals at the Home Funeral Alliance website.
Using a funeral home for basic services, such as transportation from place of death to a refrigerated morgue until burial, basic body care and shrouding, and death certificate processing does relieve the family of taking on those responsibilities, and sometimes may be necessary depending on the scenario and what the family is comfortable doing themselves. We work with any funeral home that agrees to our requirements of no embalming and biodegradable containers.
Do I have to be buried in a container, or can I just be wrapped in a blanket?
Yes, we need to have the body in a shroud, willow carrier, or biodegradable casket that has secure, weight-tested handles to be able to tie ropes onto for safely and respectfully lowering the body into the grave. We strongly suggest using the containers that we offer on our website because we know that they have been weight-tested and are sturdy enough to ensure a graceful and respectful transfer.
Can I make my own shroud?
While it is not explicitly prohibited to use a shroud made by you or someone else, we strongly suggest using the shroud that we provide, since we know that it has handles that have been weight-tested and are sturdy enough to ensure a graceful and respectful transfer into the grave. If you do choose to make your own shroud, we will require that it has at least 6 handles that can hold your weight, and that it can be wrapped fully around you and secured with ties. We reserve the right to refuse to use a shroud that we feel will not be safe or secure to carry or lower a body in.
Can I be buried in clothes of my own choosing?
Yes, you may be buried in clothes or shoes of your choosing or without any clothes. It is a personal decision. We have allowed people to be buried in belts that have a metal buckle, but we ask that clothing be biodegradable within reason. We also suggest that if someone on hospice is in the final days or hours of death that he/she be dressed in the clothes they have chosen to be buried in prior to that final breath.
Do you provide funeral services at the graveside?
Family and friends are responsible for organizing and conducting any ceremonies or funeral services at the graveside and for providing any food or drinks for attendees. Family is also responsible for arranging clergy of their choice if they choose to have a religious service. We have a worksheet that you can use to help plan a burial service if you wish. You can find and download that worksheet on our Natural Burial page.
Flowers or other biodegradable items may be placed on the body in the burial container, put into the grave, or placed on the grave after it has been closed. We ask that no plastic or metal items are placed in or on top of the grave.
Any trash must be taken with you, as there are no trash bins onsite.
How do I plan for a burial service for my loved one? What should a burial service look like?
Burial services are as varied as the people who are involved in the process. A burial service should be whatever those who are present to honor their loved one needs in that moment. It can be a celebration of life, a time to mourn a loss, a recognition of a spiritual or religious belief or practice, or just a time to reflect. We have had burial services that occurred in pure silence, and we have also had burial services that lasted for hours with music, sermons, storytellings, and artistic expressions. The whole spectrum of burial services are beautiful, and none are discouraged or thought of as "less" than another. We have put together a Burial Planning Worksheet that is meant to help families organize ideas for how they want the burial services to look. You can find that worksheet on our Natural Burial page. We have also done burials without anyone present, which is ok too. Honoring those who have passed is a subjective and personal matter, and there isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to do it. We believe that if you approach the process with whatever feels most authentic to you and how you knew your loved one, that will provide the best experience for closure.
What types of facilities are available at La Puerta?
We have a Final Ride cart that may be used for the procession to the gravesite, and we have up to a dozen chairs that can be used for graveside services. We also have a compost toilet available onsite. Additionally, there is a large gazebo and covered pole barn that can be used for gatherings in inclement weather.
Are headstones allowed to be placed on graves?
Yes, headstones are allowed to be placed on graves. However, they must be made of natural stone, they cannot be polished, they must lay flat on the ground, and they must not be larger than 20” X 20”. We do provide custom engraved headstones for purchase. You can see an example of what our headstones look like on our “What We Offer” page.
Can we decorate our loved one’s grave?
You may decorate your loved one’s grave with native plants and/or natural stones. Please do not place plastic or metal items on graves. If you place cut flowers on a grave, take any plastic wrapping or packaging off and only leave the flowers. Take any trash with you (pack it in, pack it out!). Please refrain from leaving any food offerings, as there are many wild animals that call La Puerta home, and we do not want to adversely affect their health or make them reliant on food from humans.
You can purchase native plants at a local plant nursery. It’s important to plant species of plants that are native and adapted to the type of environment at La Puerta. Non-native, or invasive plants could have a detrimental impact on the ecosystem, while plants that are not well-adapted will not survive. Families are responsible for planting and caring for the native plants on their loved ones’ gravesites. We can help with the initial planting if you request it for a small charge.
If I buy a burial plot in advance can I get my money back if I move out of state?
We cannot give refunds; however, you may sell or donate the burial plot and other pre-arrangements to someone else. We ask that you let us know if you do this, so we can prepare the proper documentation.
Can I still be buried at La Puerta if I die when I am traveling out of state or out of the country?
Yes, you may. The death certificate will need to be completed and filed in the state where you pass away prior to your body being shipped back to NM. All major airlines ship double-bagged bodies as cargo without embalming. Prices vary. You will need to use a funeral home if you die out of state or out of the country for transportation to the airline and to assist with the death certificate.
What happens if I have pre-arranged with NBNM and I die in a car accident or die unexpectedly at home?
An accidental or unexpected death results in the body going to OMI (Office of Medical Investigator) where cause of death is determined and the body is kept in refrigeration until the body is released to the family or a funeral home. During this time, the death certificate can either be filed by the family/designated agent or through a funeral home. After the OMI investigation is complete, OMI will inform the family/designated agent that the body is ready for release; the family/designated agent will then contact NBNM to arrange the burial.
What if I don’t have next-of-kin who will take charge of my burial; or what if I don’t trust that my wishes for a natural burial will be followed by my next-of-kin?
You may appoint a friend or neighbor, or any willing person to be in charge of your final arrangements after your death. This person is called a Designated Agent. We can email a document to you that will need to be witnessed by two people. (The state of NM does not require that this document be notarized.) Note that New Mexico does not recognize common-law marriages or cohabitation. So, if you would like a partner to complete your end-of-life wishes, you must either be legally married, or a legal, domestic partnership agreement would have had to be put in place from a different state. Otherwise, you must complete the designated agent form to designate them as your chosen agent.
Am I allowed to choose my burial spot?
NBNM opens an acre at a time for burial, so the exact location is not specified until time of death. NBNM will try to honor the wishes of those who would like to be buried closer to the railroad tracks or mountains, and those wishes will be specified on the burial plot certificate.
Can my spouse or significant other and I be buried next to each other?
If side by side graves are pre-purchased, the first to pass determines where the grave will be, and the adjacent grave is then designated for the surviving spouse, or significant other, or friend.
Can I be buried next to my pet?
NBNM has a separate pet cemetery; however, you may choose to be buried next to your pet in the family section. You would need to purchase a separate plot for your pet in addition to yours in the family section.
Can the cremains of a loved one or pet be buried with me?
Cremains of loved ones or pets may be buried with a person at the time of burial. An administrative fee would be added for the documentation of the interment. Pet cremains would not require an administration fee. However, cremains must be in a biodegradable container or scattered directly into the grave prior to closing the grave.
Are there sections of La Puerta that have been consecrated or blessed?
Yes, we have a Jewish consecrated section as well as a Catholic consecrated section in addition to our General and Family sections.
Have there been any problems with vandalism of graves at La Puerta?
No, we have not had that problem. Although the gates are never locked, they are kept closed at all times.
Can NBNM exhume a body after burial for relocation to another state or area?
No. Family would have to secure a funeral home to follow state exhuming guidelines.
What is Natural Burial?
Natural burial is a gentle return to the earth without the use of embalming fluids, vaults or hardwood/metal caskets. Natural fiber shrouds or biodegradable coffins are used as containers for lowering into the grave. The Green Burial Council provides a number of resources about green burial as well as natural burial on their website: https://www.greenburialcouncil.org/
What is required for burial at La Puerta Natural Burial Ground?
We require four things to be purchased for burial at La Puerta Natural Burial Ground:
1) A plot
2) Opening and closing of the grave
3) A biodegradable container
4) Maintenance and Conservation Fee (one time)
*Note that a death certificate must be in process through a funeral home, or fully filed and obtained if done by the family prior to burial.
How do I secure burial arrangements with Natural Burial New Mexico at La Puerta Natural Burial Ground?
To secure burial arrangements for yourself or a recently deceased loved one, please go to our contact page, fill out your contact information, and request an intake form for pre-need or at-need burial arrangements in the comments box. We will email you the appropriate form to start the process of securing burial arrangements.
How quickly does a burial have to happen with a natural burial?
Funeral homes can cold store a body for weeks prior to a natural burial without embalming. New Mexico law requires that either a burial occur, or the body is refrigerated or cooled within 24 hours after death.
Do I have to use a funeral home?
New Mexico is one of 40+ states that legally allows families to be in charge of every step of a loved one’s burial without using a funeral home. The state calls this type of burial, home funeral or home burial. This option requires that the family take on the responsibilities typically done by a funeral director, such as reporting the death by obtaining a death certificate prior to burial, preparing the body and placing it into a shroud or container, planning a service or ceremony, and transportation to the burial site. We have created a document that describes the difference between using a funeral home and doing a home funeral, which can be found on our Natural Burial page. You can also find resources about home funerals at the Home Funeral Alliance website.
Using a funeral home for basic services, such as transportation from place of death to a refrigerated morgue until burial, basic body care and shrouding, and death certificate processing does relieve the family of taking on those responsibilities, and sometimes may be necessary depending on the scenario and what the family is comfortable doing themselves. We work with any funeral home that agrees to our requirements of no embalming and biodegradable containers.
Do I have to be buried in a container, or can I just be wrapped in a blanket?
Yes, we need to have the body in a shroud, willow carrier, or biodegradable casket that has secure, weight-tested handles to be able to tie ropes onto for safely and respectfully lowering the body into the grave. We strongly suggest using the containers that we offer on our website because we know that they have been weight-tested and are sturdy enough to ensure a graceful and respectful transfer.
Can I make my own shroud?
While it is not explicitly prohibited to use a shroud made by you or someone else, we strongly suggest using the shroud that we provide, since we know that it has handles that have been weight-tested and are sturdy enough to ensure a graceful and respectful transfer into the grave. If you do choose to make your own shroud, we will require that it has at least 6 handles that can hold your weight, and that it can be wrapped fully around you and secured with ties. We reserve the right to refuse to use a shroud that we feel will not be safe or secure to carry or lower a body in.
Can I be buried in clothes of my own choosing?
Yes, you may be buried in clothes or shoes of your choosing or without any clothes. It is a personal decision. We have allowed people to be buried in belts that have a metal buckle, but we ask that clothing be biodegradable within reason. We also suggest that if someone on hospice is in the final days or hours of death that he/she be dressed in the clothes they have chosen to be buried in prior to that final breath.
Do you provide funeral services at the graveside?
Family and friends are responsible for organizing and conducting any ceremonies or funeral services at the graveside and for providing any food or drinks for attendees. Family is also responsible for arranging clergy of their choice if they choose to have a religious service. We have a worksheet that you can use to help plan a burial service if you wish. You can find and download that worksheet on our Natural Burial page.
Flowers or other biodegradable items may be placed on the body in the burial container, put into the grave, or placed on the grave after it has been closed. We ask that no plastic or metal items are placed in or on top of the grave.
Any trash must be taken with you, as there are no trash bins onsite.
How do I plan for a burial service for my loved one? What should a burial service look like?
Burial services are as varied as the people who are involved in the process. A burial service should be whatever those who are present to honor their loved one needs in that moment. It can be a celebration of life, a time to mourn a loss, a recognition of a spiritual or religious belief or practice, or just a time to reflect. We have had burial services that occurred in pure silence, and we have also had burial services that lasted for hours with music, sermons, storytellings, and artistic expressions. The whole spectrum of burial services are beautiful, and none are discouraged or thought of as "less" than another. We have put together a Burial Planning Worksheet that is meant to help families organize ideas for how they want the burial services to look. You can find that worksheet on our Natural Burial page. We have also done burials without anyone present, which is ok too. Honoring those who have passed is a subjective and personal matter, and there isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to do it. We believe that if you approach the process with whatever feels most authentic to you and how you knew your loved one, that will provide the best experience for closure.
What types of facilities are available at La Puerta?
We have a Final Ride cart that may be used for the procession to the gravesite, and we have up to a dozen chairs that can be used for graveside services. We also have a compost toilet available onsite. Additionally, there is a large gazebo and covered pole barn that can be used for gatherings in inclement weather.
Are headstones allowed to be placed on graves?
Yes, headstones are allowed to be placed on graves. However, they must be made of natural stone, they cannot be polished, they must lay flat on the ground, and they must not be larger than 20” X 20”. We do provide custom engraved headstones for purchase. You can see an example of what our headstones look like on our “What We Offer” page.
Can we decorate our loved one’s grave?
You may decorate your loved one’s grave with native plants and/or natural stones. Please do not place plastic or metal items on graves. If you place cut flowers on a grave, take any plastic wrapping or packaging off and only leave the flowers. Take any trash with you (pack it in, pack it out!). Please refrain from leaving any food offerings, as there are many wild animals that call La Puerta home, and we do not want to adversely affect their health or make them reliant on food from humans.
You can purchase native plants at a local plant nursery. It’s important to plant species of plants that are native and adapted to the type of environment at La Puerta. Non-native, or invasive plants could have a detrimental impact on the ecosystem, while plants that are not well-adapted will not survive. Families are responsible for planting and caring for the native plants on their loved ones’ gravesites. We can help with the initial planting if you request it for a small charge.
If I buy a burial plot in advance can I get my money back if I move out of state?
We cannot give refunds; however, you may sell or donate the burial plot and other pre-arrangements to someone else. We ask that you let us know if you do this, so we can prepare the proper documentation.
Can I still be buried at La Puerta if I die when I am traveling out of state or out of the country?
Yes, you may. The death certificate will need to be completed and filed in the state where you pass away prior to your body being shipped back to NM. All major airlines ship double-bagged bodies as cargo without embalming. Prices vary. You will need to use a funeral home if you die out of state or out of the country for transportation to the airline and to assist with the death certificate.
What happens if I have pre-arranged with NBNM and I die in a car accident or die unexpectedly at home?
An accidental or unexpected death results in the body going to OMI (Office of Medical Investigator) where cause of death is determined and the body is kept in refrigeration until the body is released to the family or a funeral home. During this time, the death certificate can either be filed by the family/designated agent or through a funeral home. After the OMI investigation is complete, OMI will inform the family/designated agent that the body is ready for release; the family/designated agent will then contact NBNM to arrange the burial.
What if I don’t have next-of-kin who will take charge of my burial; or what if I don’t trust that my wishes for a natural burial will be followed by my next-of-kin?
You may appoint a friend or neighbor, or any willing person to be in charge of your final arrangements after your death. This person is called a Designated Agent. We can email a document to you that will need to be witnessed by two people. (The state of NM does not require that this document be notarized.) Note that New Mexico does not recognize common-law marriages or cohabitation. So, if you would like a partner to complete your end-of-life wishes, you must either be legally married, or a legal, domestic partnership agreement would have had to be put in place from a different state. Otherwise, you must complete the designated agent form to designate them as your chosen agent.
Am I allowed to choose my burial spot?
NBNM opens an acre at a time for burial, so the exact location is not specified until time of death. NBNM will try to honor the wishes of those who would like to be buried closer to the railroad tracks or mountains, and those wishes will be specified on the burial plot certificate.
Can my spouse or significant other and I be buried next to each other?
If side by side graves are pre-purchased, the first to pass determines where the grave will be, and the adjacent grave is then designated for the surviving spouse, or significant other, or friend.
Can I be buried next to my pet?
NBNM has a separate pet cemetery; however, you may choose to be buried next to your pet in the family section. You would need to purchase a separate plot for your pet in addition to yours in the family section.
Can the cremains of a loved one or pet be buried with me?
Cremains of loved ones or pets may be buried with a person at the time of burial. An administrative fee would be added for the documentation of the interment. Pet cremains would not require an administration fee. However, cremains must be in a biodegradable container or scattered directly into the grave prior to closing the grave.
Are there sections of La Puerta that have been consecrated or blessed?
Yes, we have a Jewish consecrated section as well as a Catholic consecrated section in addition to our General and Family sections.
Have there been any problems with vandalism of graves at La Puerta?
No, we have not had that problem. Although the gates are never locked, they are kept closed at all times.
Can NBNM exhume a body after burial for relocation to another state or area?
No. Family would have to secure a funeral home to follow state exhuming guidelines.